Product quality starts at the planning stage. Created recipes are carefully constructed by the development department, which includes the best specialists in veterinary dietetics.
The finished batch is then subjected to microbiological testing, as well as tests of palatability and digestibility. The palatability of pets is extremely important. We cannot explain to the dog or cat that to improve their health, they must take a given preparation. Hence, we devote a lot of work to this aspect. Our products should help, but also should taste good.
The final stage confirms the quality and the final test is the consumer test. Positive recommendations of doctors and customer reviews mean that complaints are practically non-existent.
Prof. dr hab. (DSc) Michał Jank,
Leader of the Research and Development Department
We are experts in feeding dogs and cats at every stage of their lives. We create innovative dietary solutions, balanced in terms of one source of animal protein, grain-free and gluten-free. This is extremely important in the case of dogs and cats prone to food allergies and intolerances, while at the same time supporting the treatment of other diseases.
We are working on the wider use of insect protein as an alternative source of animal protein. This trend is the future of companion animal nutrition. Reduced carbon footprint, sustainable development and environmental protection - these are the main assumptions of our activities.
20 +
Scientific papers are published annually by our team
5 mln
grants which we received for the development of innovative projects
1000 +
Individual diets for pets are prepared annually by our nutritionists
of veterinarians and nutrition experts trained by Vet Expert