  • Research and Development

    We have the largest R&D department in the veterinary industry in Poland. We run projects that are unique in the world of veterinary medicine. We invite scientific authorities to cooperate with us.

We create innovative products of the highest quality

How we create products

Product quality starts at the planning stage. Created recipes are carefully constructed by the development department, which includes the best specialists in veterinary dietetics.

The finished batch is then subjected to microbiological testing, as well as tests of palatability and digestibility. The palatability of pets is extremely important. We cannot explain to the dog or cat that to improve their health, they must take a given preparation. Hence, we devote a lot of work to this aspect. Our products should help, but also should taste good.

The final stage confirms the quality and the final test is the consumer test. Positive recommendations of doctors and customer reviews mean that complaints are practically non-existent.

Prof. dr hab. (DSc) Michał Jank,
Leader of the Research and Development Department

Our Innovations

  • Twist-Off Capsules

    As the first ones in the world, we adapted Twist-Off technology among veterinary products for pets. The majority of veterinarians consider the Twist-Off capsules the most convenient way of administering the preparations – so it is proven by Kantar research* (2021).

  • As the first ones in the world

    As the first ones in the world, we created a product for allegedly pregnant female dogs based on completely natural substances, which successfully blocks secretion of prolactin in the brain. All our supplements are created with regards to good manufacturing practice (GMP) standard, which ensures the best quality.

  • First Polish Diets

    We are experts in the animal nutrition sphere – as the first ones in the country, we created our own veterinary diets for cats and dogs, presented at the Polish and international market. Our pet food consists of unique compositions, which will help to recover even the most demanding cats and dogs.

  • RenalVet

    Supplements of Vet Expert diet are standing out because of their original and innovative receptures, created by renowned experts. In RenalVet preparation, as the first in the world, we introduced phosphate chelators and active vitamin D for dogs with chronic kidney disease.

  • SemeVet

    We are leading in the category of supplements (Kantar** 2021), famous for its innovativeness. SemeVet is the worldwide first commercial product for males, with confirmed effectiveness – it increases sperm production even by 30%

Vet Expert product development

We are experts in feeding dogs and cats at every stage of their lives. We create innovative dietary solutions, balanced in terms of one source of animal protein, grain-free and gluten-free. This is extremely important in the case of dogs and cats prone to food allergies and intolerances, while at the same time supporting the treatment of other diseases.

We are working on the wider use of insect protein as an alternative source of animal protein. This trend is the future of companion animal nutrition. Reduced carbon footprint, sustainable development and environmental protection - these are the main assumptions of our activities.

20 +

Scientific papers are published annually by our team

5 mln

grants which we received for the development of innovative projects

1000 +

Individual diets for pets are prepared annually by our nutritionists


of veterinarians and nutrition experts trained by Vet Expert

Our Experts

  • Leader of the Research and Development Department

    prof. dr hab. Michał Jank

    Dietary and nutrition consultant, long-time employee of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Author and co-author of many scientific and popular-scientific publications, in the field of physiology, nutrition and dietetics of animals. Lecturer at scientific conferences and postgraduate studies for veterinarians.

  • Nutritional Consultant

    Agnieszka Kurosad, DVM PhD

    Dietary and nutrition consultant, a former long-time employee at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences). Author and co-author of many scientific and popular-scientific publications in the field of internal diseases, nutrition and dietetics of animals. Cat nutritionist.

  • Behavioural Consultant

    Agnieszka Janeczek, DVM

    Behavioral consultant at Vet Expert, veterinarian, a specialist in behavior disorders in companion animals, Southampton University, Dip CAPBC. Conducts a series of lectures and seminars in animal behavior range.

  • Regulation and Quality Department Leader

    Katarzyna Piasecka-Chudzik, PhD, DSc, Eng.

    Ph.D technical sciences in biotechnology. Deals with issues connected with product registration and with inner system of quality control. Qualified in dietary supplements industry, medical products, cosmetics as well as in the therapeutical area of OTC and RX.

  • Manager of Cattle Products Category

    Izabela Gwincińska, M. Sc., Eng.

    Graduate of University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, Faculty of Zootechnics, a qualified veterinary technician. Has several years of experience in creating of formulations for supplementary and dietary compound feedingstuffs, and selling feed additives and medicine. Specializes in dietary supplements for cattle.

  • Diagnostics Department Leader

    Natalia Jackowska-Pejko, DVM

    Graduate of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Warsaw. Completed a post-graduate course, obtaining a degree of specialist in laboratory veterinary diagnostics. Author of articles, conducts seminars for veterinarians and students in Poland and abroad.